It will not block all scam messages and there is a risk that messages that are not scam will be incorrectly blocked. End-users can control this by opting-out.
This will reduce the volume of scam messages that are sent to end users on the Telstra Mobile Network using SMS.
Note: SMS Instruction Text is not case sensitive
Q: Why is the filter being introduced?
A: Short Messaging Service (SMS) technology is being used by criminal actors to deliver attempts to scam Australians. This filter will protect end-users from scam messages with the use of capabilities that will block scam messages before it reaches to the end-user.
If an SMS has been blocked, this means that the intended recipient will not receive the SMS and the blocked message cannot be retrieved.
The purpose of this initiative is to reduce the volume of scam messages that are sent to end users on the Telstra Mobile Network using SMS. It is not guaranteed to stop all scam messages. This will only affect Telstra Wholesale Mobile Services.
Q: How does this filter work?
A: The filter involves network systems scanning the SMS messages and if and when a message is identified as being a scam, the message will then be blocked by the network. The result is that the message would not be sent to the end user and would not be retrievable.
Q: Is there any action required?
A: The only action required is to notify your customers details for opting-out if they do not wish to use the “SMS Scam Filter”
Q: As part of the SMS Filter capability, what will Telstra do?
A: Telstra’s SMS Filter capability:
i. May inspect the content and metadata of SMS messages which are intended to be received by End Users, including text, time, sender, number of messages sent, and recipient (“SMS content”);
ii. May use the SMS content to detect if an SMS message is scam; and
iii. Where an SMS message is identified as scam, may block that message before it reaches the intended recipient’s mobile phone (and any blocked messages will not be retrievable).
The SMS filter capability enables End Users to give instructions about enabling or disabling the blocking of SMS messages identified as scam
Q: Can end-user messages be incorrectly blocked?
A: There is a risk that non-scam messages will be blocked and also that scam messages may not be correctly blocked. Please note that our upstream provider accept no liability where an SMS message that is a scam is not blocked.
Q: Will there be a record of the SMS Filter instruction transaction?
A: We will not be able to provide you a record of an SMS event where an end user instructs us to apply the “filter off” or “filter on” instruction
Q: Is this “SMS Scam Filter” active currently?
A: Yes, all end-users by default have been automatically opted-in for this filter. Please see the page 4 for details on how to opt-out.